Grants Division

Our Grants Division and team of consultants help nonprofit organizations with the following…

  • Grant Writing - Team of grant writers and grant consultants

  • Grant Review and Editing - Team of grant reviewers, grant compliance officers, quality control of grants

  • Research New Grant Opportunities - Team of grant researchers

  • Submit grants to community and family foundations in Southeastern Wisconsin and Milwaukee as well as limited national foundations

  • Gather and create materials and attachments for grant applications

  • Determine if your nonprofit is a good fit with a grant/foundation/funder, as well as strategy discussion about this recommendation

  • Prepare government grants

at this time, sparks collaborative results’ grants division does not work with:

  • Nonprofits that have less than 3 years as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code

  • Nonprofits not located in the United States of America

*Grant Writer Researcher Role | **Reviewer Submitter Quality Control Role