Meet your fundraising coach

As a nonprofit consultant with more than 20 years of experience, one of my favorite aspects of my work is to empower and teach you and your organization to raise money. I can coach you on how to engage and prioritize your donors, build a culture of philanthropy in your nonprofit, activate your board of directors, structure a strong development team specifically for your organization, build a strong and consistent revenue base, authentically connecting with prospects, and more.

Add me to your team as your coach, and we can collaborate and strategize to raise money for your organization’s mission. For more information on my coaching expertise, click one of the boxes below to view my one-minute coaching video.

Did you know? Some nonprofits raise 50% of their revenue in October, November, and December. This is the most critical time of the year for you as a nonprofit. Call me today to prepare materials, develop compelling messages, and enhance your current strategies.

Is there current or highly likely turnover in your development team? Let me help you with interim support while you work through this time of transition.

How can you find funding sources now? Let me help you identify those funding sources and get what you need for your nonprofit.